Mag. Martin Gumiela
Mag. Martin Gumiela
Martin Gumiela studied History and German Philology at the University of Vienna (Secondary School Teacher Accreditation Programme).
He is a PhD Candidate at the Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET), Scientific Coordinator of the Research platform "Transformations and Eastern Europe" at the University of Vienna and a Research Associate in the bilateral research project "A Breach in the System: The "Polonia Firms" 1976-1994“ (Austrian Science Fund/National Science Center Poland-NCN).
In his dissertation Martin Gumiela explores Austrian Polonia firms in late state socialist Poland as private small and medium sized enterprises in People's Poland that were officially founded and led by members of the Polish diaspora from Austria. His main research interests are the Contemporary History of Central and Eastern Europe, History of State Socialism and Transformations as well as History of Emotions.
Selected publications
Edited volumes:
- Adrian Brisku, Martin Gumiela, Lars Fredrik Stöcker: Varieties of Economic Nationalism in Cold War Europe: Small State Responses to Economic Changes, 1960s to 1980s (Bloomsbury Academic, London 2025).
Articles in journals (peer-reviewed):
- Im Sog interner Ermittlungen: „Geliebte von Banditen“ und die fehlende Wachsamkeit eines Offiziers des Sicherheitsamtes im stalinistischen Polen, in: Journal of East Central European Studies 72/4 (2023), 569–594.
- Erzwungene Neutralität? (Deutsch-)Österreichs Verhältnis zu Polen während des Polnisch-Sowjetischen Krieges 1919–1921, in: Zeitgeschichte 50/1 (2023), 119–140.
Chapters in edited volumes (peer-reviewed):
- National in content and … pragmatic in practice: People’s Poland’s economic relations with the Western Polish diaspora in the 1970s and 1980s. In: Varieties of Economic Nationalism in Cold War Europe: Small State Responses to Economic Changes, 1960s to 1980s, edited by Adrian Brisku, Martin Gumiela and Lars Fredrik Stöcker (Bloomsbury Academic, London 2025), 153-176.
- Początki Komunistycznej Partii (Niemieckiej) Austrii oraz jej działalność w obliczu Wojny Polsko-Bolszewickiej, in: Elżbieta Kowalczyk, Konrad Rokicki (Eds.), 1920 Rok – Wojna Światów. Tom 2. Europa wobec Wojny Polsko-Bolszewickiej (Warszawa 2023), 409–430.
- “Całe życie walczyłem o wyzwolenie klasy robotniczej” – próba analizy partykularnej koncepcji moralności wysokich funkcjonariuszy MBP oraz jej genezy, in: Robert Klementowski, Kamila Mikołajczyk, Jarosław Syrnyk (Eds.), Aparat Bezpieczeństwa w perspektywie antropologii organizacji i antropologii władzy (Wrocław - Warszawa 2020), 66–83.
- Krwawe i przebiegłę? Kobiety władzy w wybranych państwach socjalistycznych, in: Karolina Białas, Katarzyna Jóźwik, Kalina Słaboszewska (Eds.), Kobiety i Władza (Warsaw University Press 2019), 114–126.